A downloadable game

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This product is a database editor plugin for the Godot game engine. It allows users to create and manage databases for their games in a visual interface.

Some key features:

  • Provides an interface to define categories and parameters. Categories represent types of data like characters, items, etc. Parameters define the attributes for each category like name, description, stats, etc.
  • Supports various parameter types including text, numbers, booleans, file paths, selectable items, and more. Parameters can have additional options like random value ranges, dropdown lists, etc.
  • Items can be added for each category which represent individual records like a specific character, item, etc. The parameter values for each item can be customized.
  • Special controls like separators and custom lists allow additional organization and filtering of parameters.
  • Exports the database to a file that can be included with the game.
  • Auto-installs a DatabaseManager script with functions to load the database and interface with it from game code. Provides functions to get categories, items, parameters, set levels, add experience, get loot, etc.
  • Handles the low-level data structure of the database automatically.
  • Designed for RPGs but can work for any game genre.
  • Visual interface allows rapid iteration and prototyping of game data.
  • Works with Godot Engine 4.x. Seamlessly integrates into the Godot editor.

In summary, it is a full-featured, visual database editor tailored for game development in Godot Engine, with robust parameter types and options to organize data. The interface and script API handle the underlying data so developers can focus on game logic.


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

DatabaseEditor.rar 2.2 MB
Starship Mayhem - Game for Windows.rar 52 MB
Starship Mayhem - Source Code.rar 86 MB

Development log


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Hi, I had a trouble installing your plugin with the normal download link, so I went and copy and pasted the database editor folder from the folder of the source code of starship mayhem. I think it didn't work with the normal folder because there are files in the starship mayhem folder that the normal folder doesn't have.
Screen shot from normal folder: https://imgur.com/a/ClO1sV1
Screen shot from Starship Mayhem folder: https://imgur.com/a/JRBMZpl

Otherwise, great plugin :) Can't wait to start using it!

(2 edits)

Thanks for the report I will review it and correct the link.

Edit: I checked the download link, put it into a newly created project and have not had any errors. What error did you get?

the direct link downloads a .rar and inside it has a folder "DatabaseEditor". That folder must be moved to the "addons" folder of your game. Maybe you moved it to the root of your game instead of the addons folder.

(2 edits)

I'm super new to godot, so I could very well be doing something wrong.

Here's the error that I get when I try to enable the plugin: 

Unable to load addon script from path: 'res://addons/DatabaseEditor/DatabaseEditor/plugin.gd'. This might be due to a code error in that script.

Disabling the addon at 'res://addons/DatabaseEditor/DatabaseEditor/plugin.cfg' to prevent further errors.

That is a generic error, there is not much information there. Sometimes godot fails to open a plugin due to cache or import issues. This is usually fixed by closing and opening the project again or deleting the folder named ".godot" in your game folder, and when you go back to the editor it should start re-importing all the assets and should no longer error.

I got it working, thanks for the help!